
  • To get an atomic control of molecular bricks (WP1). Prepare and characterize the molecular building blocks of our hybrid devices.  (M1)
  • To develop electrodes for single molecule devices (WP2). We shall focus on: i) the fabrication of metal / FM nano-junctions by electromigration and on the development and test of graphitic electrodes; ii)  metal/FM electrodes on CNT and graphene. (M2)
  • Realization of hybrid devices (WP3). For hybrids of molecules and carbon allotrope, we target two prototypical devices, namely Molecular Spin Transistors and Molecular Spin Valve. Quantum dots made of GNRs with atomically controlled edges and connected to electronic circuits are also important objectives of this WP. (M3)
  • To read out spin information to electric signals. Key low temperature experiments will aim at evidencing novel quantum effects and the interplay between molecular moments and charge/spin current (WP4). To provide the theoretical background and possible hints for understanding the main phenomena observed at the molecular scale in devices and experiments of interest (WP5). (M4)
  • To manipulate individual spins by electromagnetic pulses and finally to encode quantum algorithms (WP6). (M5).